
Bacteria Vino

Tackglou / Bacteria Vino


Bacteria Vino


You are maybe wondering about the link between micro organism and what is in your glass?
In a completely sanitized environment, it would be impossible to turn a grape juice into wine, bacteria plays a very important role in the fermentation of wine!
“‘The living wine is a wine that has the characteristics of life, as opposed to the inanimate, inert: a living organism.” Or even: “…who strongly expresses life, gives a strong impression: A living portrait”. The idea is that from the moment that the vine can flourish on a field cultivated without synthetic chemistry, so on a soil with all its microbes, bacteria, fungi, earthworms, yeast strains. varied, etc., the grape will arrive at the winery in its best shape, and so it requires little or no artificial intervention / embellishments / protection (inputs)”. Its vitality is not attenuated by massive doses of sulfur, its originality is not reworked by exogenous yeasts, its balance is not modified by adding acid or tannins, the indigenous microorganisms do their work and participate in the development of a noble and healthy beverage.
This broach, BACTERIA VINO, incapsulates vitality, an element of life contained in a petri dish fixed on a pin.


10 September 2019
